Free Love Spirit

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Restor­ing Your En­er­getic Blue­print

Our en­er­getic blue­print serves as the foun­da­tion of our be­ing, in­flu­enc­ing our thoughts, emo­tions, and ac­tions. It is the core es­sence of who we are at our deep­est lev­el. How­ev­er, as we nav­i­gate through life, our blue­print can be­come cloud­ed or distort­ed by ex­ter­nal in­flu­ences, con­di­tion­ing, and ex­pe­ri­ences. The good news is that we have the pow­er to restore our na­tive blue­print and align with our truest self.

Un­der­stand­ing How the Blue­print Works

The en­er­getic blue­print is the unique vi­bra­tional pat­tern that un­der­lies our en­tire ex­is­tence. It is the en­er­getic map that guides our phys­i­cal, men­tal, emo­tion­al, and spir­i­tu­al as­pects. Think of it as the op­er­at­ing sys­tem that runs the in­tri­cate ma­chin­ery of our be­ing. When our blue­print is in har­mo­ny, we ex­pe­ri­ence a sense of flow, vi­tal­i­ty, and align­ment in our lives.

What’s the dif­fer­ence be­tween DNA and epi­ge­net­ics?

We could un­der­stand our blue­print to be the in­struc­tion­al pat­terns em­bed­ded in our DNA. If that DNA were fixed, we would be ro­botic, in the sense that our de­vel­opment would be mapped out and choice-less. Na­ture be­ing in­tel­li­gent has giv­en us tools to in­ter­act with our DNA through our con­scious­ness, and more es­pe­cial­ly through our be­hav­iors and en­vi­ron­ment.

The field of epi­ge­net­ics has dis­cov­ered that our genes can be turned on or off de­pend­ing upon how we feed them. That food can in­clude con­scious­ness, thoughts, nu­tri­tion, psy­to­chem­i­cals, en­vi­ron­men­tal fac­tors, and what could be known as cul­tur­al agree­ment. These ‘foods’ can in­clude so­cial in­ter­actions, en­theogen med­i­cine jour­neys, and con­ver­sa­tions we have with our­selves and oth­ers. Elec­tro­mag­net­ic fields af­fect our DNA, as the whole sys­tem is elec­tro-mag­netic. The nour­ish­ment that we feed our DNA with trig­gers our cells to re­gen­er­ate or decay. That nour­ish­ment can feed our emo­tion­al, so­cial and erot­ic in­tel­li­gence, or it can feed our shad­ows.

When our dor­mant genes are turned on, seem­ing­ly mirac­u­lous pow­ers can be unleashed. This could be an ex­pla­na­tion of spon­ta­neous heal­ing, where a chal­lenge such as can­cer goes into re­mis­sion and or dis­ap­pears when a per­son makes a complete change of ‘faith’ and a cor­re­spond­ing shift of diet and be­hav­ior. Some­times these shifts ap­pear in the pres­ence of a pow­er­ful group, a pow­er­ful place, a sym­bol or icon of re­li­gious sig­nif­i­cance, or an emo­tion­al shock that gives rise to a new per­spective. And some­times the old symp­toms reap­pear when one goes back to the old life.

Some­times the shift takes place through ap­pli­ca­tion of sci­en­tif­ic method, for ex­am­ple, feed­ing a plant a min­er­al that it has been lack­ing. Some­times these shifts oc­cur through an en­theogenic cer­e­mo­ny, where pro­found re­al­iza­tions lead to a per­ma­nent shift of aware­ness. Some shaman­ic prac­ti­tion­ers re­fer to this as a shift in the as­semblage point, a shift in one’s cen­ter of grav­i­ty.

De­pend­ing on one’s tem­pera­ment and de­sign, we are giv­en hints as to what meth­ods may give rise to our in­ter­nal epi­ge­net­ic re­struc­tur­ing. The so­lu­tion is nev­er go­ing to be ho­mo­ge­neous, be­cause each of our DNA blue­prints are unique ac­cording to what lessons we may learn and what an­ces­tral threads we have agreed to contribute to.

For some, mantras and rewrit­ing your in­ner self-talk is go­ing to be fun­da­men­tal. For an­oth­er, a be­hav­ioral or di­etary shift and ex­er­cise is re­quired. Some peo­ple need to do less and com­mit to un­wind­ing stress. Some will re­spond to light and sound thera­py. For an­oth­er, a change of re­la­tion­ship, fam­i­ly dy­nam­ics, and a change of place or work.

That said, there are cer­tain ba­sics that will con­tribute rad­i­cal­ly to every­one’s wellbe­ing. Clean wa­ter, fresh air, be­ing in na­ture, be­ing away from man-made elec­tro­magnet­ic fields, re­ceiv­ing morn­ing sun­light, these things are restora­tive for every­one.

You could do all the right things and still fail at re­cov­er­ing from an ill­ness or a shock. In oth­er words, there may be a tra­jec­to­ry to your in­di­vid­ual path that re­quires you to go through an en­tire process, to fail, or to re­main un­clear and un­re­solved. This is where it’s im­por­tant to dis­cov­er what are the unique nav­i­ga­tion­al skills that al­low you to move with grace through a chal­lenge. We could also do all the right things, see no re­sult for a decade, and then ‘spon­taneous­ly’ the heal­ing ap­pears. This phe­nomenon is sim­i­lar to a celebri­ty star be­ing ‘discov­ered’, new to the scene, when in fact they have been work­ing dili­gent­ly to­ward their ca­reer goal for 20 years. Some­times it’s all about tim­ing, when the fre­quen­cy is right, so­lu­tions ap­pear. Some­times so­lu­tions ap­pear only af­ter we have to­tal­ly giv­en up, sur­ren­dered, and lost the bat­tle.

Be­cause we don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly see the ben­e­fits of our ef­forts short term, it be­comes nec­es­sary to align our­selves with right be­hav­ior, right ac­tion, right at­ti­tude, even if that means that what we thought was “right” turns out to be mis­guid­ed. From the point of view of our genes, there are no mis­takes.

We each con­tain por­tals to un­der­stand­ing our ge­net­ic blue­print, and can dis­cov­er what and where those por­tals may be. (More on por­tals in an­oth­er chap­ter.) For most of us, we will dis­cov­er those por­tals by ex­am­in­ing the emo­tion­al re­sults of our ac­tions, rather than a men­tal eval­u­a­tion of what we think is need­ed.

In my cur­rent un­der­stand­ing, these in­struc­tion­al codes to our DNA blue­print stream through us mil­lions of times a mo­ment, through the neu­tri­no bom­bard­ment that pass­es through us. This path­way goes along lines (waves) from the cen­tral sun, through our lo­cal sun, re­flect­ing off the plan­ets and moon, through our bod­ies, and into the earth. Once they reach the high­er di­men­sions in the core of the Earth, they are re­ceived and re­turned, through our con­scious­ness and back into the out­er universe. It’s a con­tin­u­ous self-feed­ing loop and self-reg­u­lat­ing or­gan­ism. The mi­cro­cosm of the torus with­in us is repli­cat­ed on a uni­ver­sal, holo­graph­ic scale. Each of your breaths in­forms the whole uni­verse. This path­way is best de­scribed in Hu­man De­sign as our in­car­na­tion cross, and in Gene­Keys as our ac­ti­va­tion se­quence. How­ev­er, regard­less of knowl­edge of HD or GK, this path­way can be ob­served in each per­son as the unique frac­tal that or­ga­nizes their be­ing, their es­sen­tial qual­i­ties, and guides their be­hav­ior and evo­lu­tion.

It’s eas­i­er to ob­serve these DNA ac­ti­va­tions in plant life and in­sects, in the de­velop­ment of ba­bies in utero, in the pat­terns of life that re­pro­duce them­selves suc­cessful­ly over and over. For ex­am­ple, we don’t ob­serve a catepil­lar be­com­ing a mon­key. We don’t ob­serve an or­chid fruit­ing a ba­nana. To this de­gree, our de­vel­op­ment follows a pre-de­ter­mined pat­tern. How we in­ter­act with that pat­tern is what makes it inter­est­ing.

The point of this chap­ter is not to ar­gue pre-de­ter­mi­na­tion, but rather to give possi­bil­i­ty to a con­scious recog­ni­tion of our blue­print, and in so do­ing, un­lock keys with­in that code. The un­lock­ing process is what we may cur­rent­ly call grace, grat­i­tude, presence, magic. We each have the abil­i­ty to bal­ance the yin/yang el­e­ments with­in us, and in so do­ing know when it’s cor­rect to re­spond with ac­tion, and when it’s cor­rect to remain open and re­cep­tive, and when to ap­ply the artistry and mu­sic of com­bin­ing the two. The weav­ing of our con­scious­ness with our un­con­scious (what in Hu­man De­sign is called per­son­al­i­ty/de­sign) is where the trea­sure lies. Na­ture has unique­ly de­signed us to be a liv­ing path­way be­tween what is known and what is raw po­ten­tial­i­ty.