Free Love Spirit

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The secret of your primary blueprint…

There is a secret, hidden in plain sight, and we give credence to it, but we don’t know what to do about it. That secret is discovering the primary code that unlocks your presence, your passion, your necessary dharma, your karma, your gene keys, your genetic wisdom.

That code is yours alone, no one can uncover it for you. That’s the secret. No one can give you the answer, because it’s only for you to discover, for you to unearth, for you to unravel.

This is the mystery of creation, it’s all around us, in every breath, in every cell, in every pulse of life……and yet your particular pathway to self-discovery has never been tread before.

The secret of discovering own’s own primary blueprint is amazing. Everyone else can see it inside you, we can experience it in your presence, and yet you have to find it. It’s the most hidden from ourselves. That treasure is yours for keeping, yours for sharing, yours for polishing.

You know it immediately when it’s there. The sparkle of light, the richness of the earth, the sound of the birds, the movement of the sea, the passing rainstorm, the sunset, the post-orgasmic bliss, the heart-felt love of being, it affects each of us one at a time, this life force enlivens us rather than deadens us.

This is the thing that has been spoken behind closed doors, demonized, matter subject to excommunication. Alchemists’ secrets. Crosses have been erected to hang those who bear their ecstasy openly, and stakes to burn the witches who use their power to heal. This is the thing that has been labeled god and devil, truth or deception, life or death, good and evil. The substance of life itself is beyond conception, beyond labels, beyond mind. It’s actually beyond duality, and yet it includes duality. Some call it spirit, some call it Gaia, some call it union. We receive it without labeling, a wordless state.

For those that experience the purity of Love, this path could be easy. Maybe it’s not so easy, because the path to love contains all the other emotions within it. So along with love, we experience desire, wanting, identification, yearning, loss, detachment, confusion, struggle.

Some would say the Tao can only be pointed to, not described. Similarly, the moment we discover the direction of our path, the method, the point of view, the way, the truth, it will continue to outwit and circumvent us. Perhaps at some point we surrender to the source that guides us. Even that is too much to say, because you won’t do it like anyone else, you will express it in your own inimitable way.

Go forth and prosper!