Raised on the Jersey shore, I was surrounded by water, the scent of the ocean and marshes. My formative memories are those where the land, sky and sea meet.

Both my parents were intensely creative. My mom was cheerful, fearful, melancholic. Dad was charismatic, unpredictable, hard to understand. Our house was filled with music, optimism, blossoming plants, building projects and the despair of alcoholism. 

I learned early on that I loved working with my hands, to make things, to be a craftsman. 

As a designer and builder, I worked in my 20’s at Industrial Light and Magic making models for Star Wars and other films. 

In my 30’s I received training as a professional channel and became a pivotal member of  a world-wide movement that became known as The Michael Teachings. I spent many years as co-director of the Michael Foundation, as a channel, spiritual counselor and healer, and am the author of several published books. During that time I organized and led spiritual retreats as well as workshops on conscious communication and relationship dynamics.

I  have received training in Breathwork and Rebirthing, Repatterning Therapy, and Mind/Body Somatic Therapy. I have an extensive background in Tantric Arts, exploring human sexuality and the psychology of interpersonal relationships.

As a parent I am lucky to have raised a son and 2 step daughters, in a multi-generational household. In addition I was invited to contribute to the gene pool of 4 “sperm donation” babies. Those children were raised as part of our extended community. Reflecting upon the unique energy of that time I’ve come to realize that part of my life-task is to create alternative family structures. 

In my late 40’s and 50’s I developed a landscape design company “The Garden Sage”, integrating water features and sculptures with organic gardening and permaculture. That took me to living in Hawaii, focusing on building in the natural landscape.

Returning from Hawaii, I met my current partner, Phillipe, in San Francisco. For the past 14 years we have worked together as tantric bodyworkers. We have also been unintentionally role modeling successful long-term polyamorous relationship! 

Since moving to Asheville in 2012, we have developed a community hub, “The Cauldron”, that is the center of our life’s work, emanating joy, wisdom & eccentricity to those that pass through our doors.

Always eager to include multi-generational wisdom in our community, that included taking on the responsibility of welcoming my elderly mom, Maudie, into our house. During her last 5 years she was taken care of by us with the grateful help of community friends. Although challenging in many ways, we were very deliberate in creating alternatives to eldercare and the end of life celebration.  I will always have great gratitude for all the people who were willing to join in that sacred process.

As an elder, I enjoy mentoring creative people, acting as a role model and guide. I still find myself busy with constructing creative projects, offering massage sessions and hands-on healing. 

I love contributing to the evolution of the collective through the many reflections in the people around me.

I pursue an ease of being, a sense of humor, compassion and wisdom, nurturing an open heart and striving to bring intelligent insight and multifaceted design skills to any creative project or healing environment.

I’m inviting you to discover something new about yourself, an unexpected treasure, something that was always there. Perhaps hidden, unacknowledged, or so ordinary that you didn’t realize a potent, extraordinary possibility…