To surrender or fight
Max Aaron Max Aaron

To surrender or fight

With the knowl­edge of the third sus­tain­ing force, comes the op­por­tu­ni­ty to know when to en­gage, and when to let go. When to fight and when to sur­ren­der.

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The Offering Of Your Frequency
Max Aaron Max Aaron

The Offering Of Your Frequency

The ques­tion of your freewill, ne­ces­si­ty, your des­tiny and your sen­tience are but a rip­ple com­pared to who you are as an em­a­na­tion of source.

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Relationship with time
Max Aaron Max Aaron

Relationship with time

Try let­ting go of time, and you will dis­cov­er that’s a lot hard­er than let­ting go of ego. Yes, they are in­tri­cate­ly con­nect­ed. To let go of ego, you can try re­lax­ing any partic­u­lar agen­da; to let go of time, you will have to let go of your whole world.

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Tricky Belief Systems
Max Aaron Max Aaron

Tricky Belief Systems

Don’t let your un­con­scious be­liefs rule your life, un­less you want them to. Be wil­ing to be in­cor­rect and some­thing new re­vealed.

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What’s your morning routine?
Max Aaron Max Aaron

What’s your morning routine?

Do you drag your­self re­luc­tant­ly out of bed or jump en­thusi­as­ti­cal­ly?

Mak­ing love, self-plea­sur­ing, grab some carbs and drive to work, cof­fee, juice, jour­nal­ing, get­ting on your phone & lap­top, or sleep­ing in, what’s your pat­tern?

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what’s your evening routine?
Max Aaron Max Aaron

what’s your evening routine?

What we do in the evening so much af­fects how we are go­ing to re­late to the next day. What makes for a per­fect evening for you?

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The secret of your primary blueprint…
Max Aaron Max Aaron

The secret of your primary blueprint…

There is a se­cret, hid­den in plain sight, and we give cre­dence to it, but we don’t know what to do about it. That se­cret is dis­cov­er­ing the pri­ma­ry code that un­locks your pres­ence, your pas­sion, your nec­es­sary dhar­ma, your kar­ma, your gene keys, your ge­net­ic wis­dom.

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Restor­ing Your En­er­getic Blue­print
Max Aaron Max Aaron

Restor­ing Your En­er­getic Blue­print

Our en­er­getic blue­print serves as the foun­da­tion of our be­ing, in­flu­enc­ing our thoughts, emo­tions, and ac­tions. It is the core es­sence of who we are at our deep­est lev­el.

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