One-on-One Reflections with Maximus

Few things give me as much pleasure as being one-on-one with you in an intimate setting where I can express appreciation for aspects of your being and in so doing, give permission to you to more fully explore and reveal those qualities to yourself.

I’m inviting you to discover something new about yourself, an unexpected treasure, something that was always there. Perhaps hidden, unacknowledged, or so ordinary that you didn’t realize a potent, extraordinary possibility…

I was given the gift of being able to see clearly a person’s essence and being able to empathically feel the trajectory of your path. When that is put into words, it transmits the comfort of being deeply understood, loved for your uniqueness, and compassion for the difficulties that being oneself brings. 

In a synthesis of wisdom accumulated in many years as a counselor & spiritual guide, I have a knack for seeing through the appearances into the soul of the matter. Incorporating a deep knowledge of sexuality & relationships, Human Design, Gene Keys, what I offer is a specific insight into your unique purpose in being here and how to navigate a joyful path in getting there. 


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