Free Love Spirit

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The Offering Of Your Frequency

What you have to of­fer is your fre­quen­cy. Noth­ing else. The rest fol­lows. If you make a con­tri­bu­tion, it aris­es from your fre­quen­cy. If you sit and watch, your fre­quen­cy il­lu­mi­nates the space around you.

This is so sim­ple that this is con­found­ing to un­der­stand. The ques­tion of your free will, ne­ces­si­ty, your des­tiny and your sen­tience are but a rip­ple com­pared to who you are as an em­a­na­tion of source.

Re­al­iz­ing this is a big re­lief, be­cause you don’t have to do any­thing ex­cept be your­self. The you who is you will know what to do.

That do­ing can pro­ceed with el­e­gance and grace, or fum­bling in the dark. Both are to­tal­ly ac­cept­able. As you more ful­ly re­al­ize your source en­er­gy, it can start to direct things if need­ed in a path to­ward re­ward and suc­cess or deep learn­ing.

If we are be­ings mov­ing to­ward con­scious­ness, there is an im­por­tant as­pect of

aware­ness that is self-re­flec­tive. That’s why self-un­der­stand­ing is called ‘re­al­iza­tion’.

Be­cause when it’s re­al­ized, it be­comes real and func­tion­al, no longer the­o­ret­i­cal. It attains mass and sub­stance by be­ing re­al­ized. Source doesn’t need any­thing else from you, as you are it.

Oth­er be­ings such as rocks, plants and most an­i­mals, don’t need to be self-re­flective, be­cause they are al­ready in union with what is. For them, the mys­tery of self-discov­ery is not an op­tion at least in the way we un­der­stand it.

Strange­ly, the un­der­stand­ing of a supreme wis­dom is deeply hum­bling. It re­veals it­self then slips away from our aware­ness, it can be ul­ti­mate­ly fright­en­ing.....and demands that we be re­spon­si­ble to a high­er or­der. If we choose to.

One thing I most cher­ish about our uni­verse is the mirac­u­lous un­fold­ing para­dox. The mo­ment the big pic­ture be­comes clear, it morphs again. Our uni­verse is a coy­ote trick­ster of unimag­in­able pro­por­tions. Uni­ma­gi­na­ble.